Upcoming Workshop

2024 EuHPN Workshop

Join us in Barcelona, 25-27 September 2024

Making Choices for Investment in Healthcare Infrastructure

by the support of CatSalut

Making Choices for Investment in Healthcare Infrastructure

Healthcare infrastructure investment:  choices and priorities

How should we make choices about investing in healthcare infrastructure?  With so many competing priorities and pressures on capital budgets, where and how should money be spent?  What evidence can we use to set priorities and make judgements?  The 2024 European Health Property Network Workshop focuses is going to focus on these questions, through examination of four key areas which will examine how healthcare infrastructure investment can:

•             Improve and change the nature of clinical and non-clinical work.

•             Support health systems to offer sustainability and social value.

•             Integrate hospitals with the wider system of health and care.

•             Drive refurbishment and reuse of existing facilities.

Registrations for the workshop are open, and we recommend that you sign up as early as possible, as numbers for the workshop will be limited.

The 2024 EuHPN workshop will examine these topics to understand the trade-offs inherent in decisions about capital investment in healthcare infrastructure, and how to avoid pitfalls and risks, maximise benefits, and evaluate the outcomes of investments.  We will draw on lessons from health facility planning, healthcare architecture and engineering, academic studies, the construction industry and capital investment experts. 

The 2024 EuHPN workshop will feature simultaneous English-Spanish/Spanish-English interpreting, on the two main days (25 and 26 September) of the programme.

The 2024 workshop programme

Catalonia has recently invested significantly in a new and reconfigured healthcare estate, across the hospital and primary/community care sectors.  The lessons from this programme of investment will provide an important anchor point for the workshop, but, as ever, we will compare and contrast with experiences across Europe and beyond.  We will welcome expert speakers from a range of European countries, including Spain, Sweden, Norway, England, Scotland, the Netherlands, Denmark, Italy, Ireland and Finland, with other country representatives to be confirmed.  As ever, our speakers have professional backgrounds in healthcare architecture and engineering, healthcare infrastructure planning, health system financing, academic research in health facility development, and hospital operational and facility management.

The 25th and 26th September will have a mix of keynote speakers and presenters, with sessions on each of the four sub-themes.  We also hope to incorporate a mini-study tour to a local health facility.

On the 27th September participants can take part in a more extensive, optional tour of different hospital sites in and around Barcelona.

In our opening session, we are delighted to have confirmed keynote speakers from the Catalan Health Authority (CatSalut), who will present an overview of the Catalan health system and the exciting programme of development of a range of healthcare buildings across the region.  We also have keynote addresses from the WHO Health Systems Finance group, on choices about healthcare infrastructure financing, and from NHS Scotland Assure, on how to assemble and use evidence about what to build.

Speakers in the other workshop sessions will address aspects of our four focus areas, including:

 •             Evidence about use of single vs multi-patient rooms

•             The impact of generative AI on future healthcare design

•             Design for Net Zero in Spain

•             Pitfalls in procurement for hospital infrastructure

•             Refurbishment and reconfiguration versus new build

•             Design for compassionate and humane healthcare environments

•             Investment in primary care as part of a whole system approach

•             Hospital at home: the new frontier

•             How health buildings can support holistic care of the patient

•             What to do when hospital buildings reach the end of their operational life

•             Innovation in non-clinical space

•             Investing in flexible, adaptable infrastructure

… with more presentations to be added.

 The main workshop programme also includes case study presentations on some high profile and highly innovative hospital infrastructure developments in and around Barcelona.  We will hear about the Sant Joan de Deu hospital campus (including its paediatric cancer centre), the Clinic Hospital, the Hospital del Mar, the Kalida Cancer Centre and the highly sustainable Mollet hospital campus.  We also aim to offer participants mini-tours of the Kalida Centre and the Recinte Modernista de Sant Pau campus during these two days.

In addition to the formal programme, participants will have ample opportunity to network with others during coffee breaks and lunches, and at the workshop dinner to be held during the evening of Wednesday 25th September.

We are delighted to have the support of CatSalut, the Catalan Health Authority, for the 2024 workshop. 

Workshop costs

The discounted 2024 workshop fee, for EuHPN members and associates, will be EUR 350.00.  The fee for non-members will be EUR 400.  There will be an additional cost of EUR 80.00 per person for the workshop dinner on 25th September, and a EUR 50.00 fee, per person, for the optional tours on 27th September.

Registration and your contribution

We invite you – our members, associates, supporters and sponsors – to register your interest in contributing to the 2024 workshop, on one or more of the four sub-themes outlined above.  To do so, please contact us via info@euhpn.eu

We really look forward to your participation and contribution at the 2024 EuHPN workshop, 25 - 27 September.

Sponsorship opportunities

EuHPN workshops attract a broad range of professionals, from Europe and beyond, including architects, engineers, health policy and health system financing experts, senior clinicians and directors of healthcare organisations.  They share a common interest in how best to plan, design and build all kinds of healthcare infrastructure.  We welcome interest from potential sponsors who would like to be part of our event.  If your organisation would like to support us, please contact us on info@euhpn.eu.

Hospital and Recinte Modernista Sant Pau

Friday 27th September - Study Tour Options

On the 27th September we will offer optional tours of the Sant Joan de Deu hospital facilities and the Hospital del Mar.  These are both highly regarded hospitals, from design, operational and innovation perspectives, which showcase cutting edge facilities and services.

Each study tour will begin in the morning of the 27th September, and is likely to take around 3 to 4 hours to complete, with a break for coffee and finishing with lunch.  Transport to and from the study tour sites is still being planned, and we hope to update you with information on this soon, as well as arrangements for participants who may wish to store luggage during the tours.

The options are separate and cannot be combined. Additional charge of Euro 50.00

·       Option 1 - Sant Joan de Déu - Barcelona Children´s Hospital

·       Option 2 - Hospital del Mar

- This option can accommodate up to 30 participants-

SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital is a highly specialized center for the treatment of children and pregnant women. Since its inception in 1867, SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital has been a private, non-profit institution dedicated to public service.

In its 150-year history, it has evolved from a charity center to being considered a tertiary hospital of international reference. Currently, the hospital is a leader in areas such as Pediatrics, Obstetrics, and Gynecology, as well as in specialties such as Neurosciences, Neonatology, Oncology, and Cardiovascular Surgery, among others.

Sant Joan de Déu Hospital attends to an average of 180,000 emergencies, 300,000 outpatient consultations, about 25,000 admissions, performs about 4,000 deliveries, and receives approximately 3,500 requests from abroad annually.

SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona is a new monographic center for the benefit of children and adolescents with cancer and their families. The facility brings together the healthcare services aimed at patients with developmental cancer in one single place, as well as spaces dedicated to research. The aim is to treat a large volume of patients more effectively, efficiently, and adequately, more than 400 new patients per year, with the highly specialized team of the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital Oncology Department.

The design of the buildings, from a holistic point of view, is intended to make the patient and their family feel comfortable and at ease, ensuring that the hospital does not appear as such to pediatric patients. Therefore, over the past few years, during which the hospital has undergone a comprehensive transformation, aspects such as pediatricization and patient experience have been a primary focus in the design of each area.

As part of the Hospital Order of Sant Joan de Déu, the mission of the hospital is to humanely care for people in vulnerable situations, contributing to a fairer society

Areas to visit:

  • Command Center: New paradigm in the global vision and control of the entire infrastructure

  • Neonatal care or PICU

  • New surgical area: 8 specialized operating rooms built in 2018, equipped with advanced technology

    Intrasurgery MRI

  • Pediatric Cancer Center: Entering by the bridge connecting both buildings. Hall, family court, play areas and cafeteria

Option 2 – Hospital del Mar

This option can accommodate up to 30 participants. 

The Hospital del Mar is a modern general and university hospital, active and with research programmes, which treats pathologies of medium and high complexity. It has a long history and strong tradition of service to Barcelona, and therefore has developed and grown as the city itself has done.

Thanks to its location on the seafront and its architectural design, it is bathed in Mediterranean sunlight and seems to fit in with the population that it serves, from the Ciutat Vella and Sant Martí districts. This is an exceptionally heterogeneous and multicultural population, and the hospital is working hard to adapt to the changes that this situation demands.

Being a hospital that serves general and specialist needs, the institution has learnt, as part of the MAR Health Park to become productive and efficient and to work as part of a team together with the city's different networks and healthcare centres. Thus it has always been principally involved in care work, but also having a permanent link with research via the IMIM (Hospital del Mar Research Institute). Although relatively small, the Hospital del Mar has one of the most outstanding scientific outputs in the country, carrying out projects that bring science closer to the daily application of healthcare to the people it treats.

The Hospital del Mar has 400 conventional hospital beds (41 beds for critical care), 33 Day Hospital places, 31 emergency spaces, 69 consulting rooms, 21 diagnostic rooms, 10 operating theatres and 2 delivery rooms for childbirth. It is currently in the process of expansion, which will double its size, and which will allow it to continue to offer satisfactory cover for the needs of the districts it serves. It will add to the resources for the requirements of the elderly, with a view to the ageing population of some areas, but will also provide more facilities for emergency care, diagnostic testing or childbirth, in consideration of the new needs of the younger population that has taken up residence in the area and which is growing.

We aim to visit a comprehensive range of the Hospital del Mar’s facilities, to provide participants with a full view of how the hospital has evolved, and how it will develop further in the coming years, on its existing site

The institution has begun a 360 transformation, which will turn the Hospital de Mar into a reference for clinical excellence, a leader in research and innovation and a pioneer in caring for people. The future Hospital del Mar has alredy begun!


Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site

The 2024 workshop will take place in Barcelona, Catalonia, and our venue will be the Sant Pau Foundation (https://santpaubarcelona.org/), the modernist masterpiece hospital campus that now reborn as a cultural and conference centre in the heart of the city.

After more than a century as the home of the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, an ambitious restoration project following the transfer of all healthcare activities to the new Hospital has restored the cultural and artistic glories of the Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site, the most important work of Catalan architect Lluís Domènech i Montaner.

The restoration of the Modernista pavilions, which were declared World Heritage by UNESCO in 1997, has provided the starting point for an active cultural programme whose main objective is to further our appreciation of this treasure of European Art Nouveau. Lluís Domènech i Montaner and his contribution to the Modernista movement, together with the institutional and heritage value of Sant Pau and its contribution to medicine are the key elements of this programme.

The Sant Pau Foundation offers high quality conference facilities and an unrivalled location in the heart of Barcelona, close to metro stations and other public transport links.  The new Sant Pau hospital is also close by, and we hope to offer a mini-tour of this campus during the main programme of the workshop.



There is a large range of hotel options in Barcelona, to suit different budgets.  Although we do not recommend any specific hotels, we have arranged for a 10% discount with:

  • Catalonia hotel group in Barcelona.  There are many Catalonia group hotels in Barcelona.  Those closest to the Sant Pau venue are the Sagrada Familia (3*), the Albéniz (3*) and the Atenas (4*).  www.cataloniahotels.com

  • Atiram Hotels. There are 4 hotels in Barcelona distributed in different parts of the city and with different categories. www.atiramhotels.com

To access these discount, you can use a code that will be sent when you send your registration.

Other hotels close to the Recinte Modernista de Sant Pau include the Radisson Blu 1882 hotel (4*) and the hotel ILUNION Bel Art (4*).

When choosing accommodation, please be aware that Barcelona’s public transport system is efficient and relatively cheap, so you may choose a location further from the venue.  There is a metro stop (Dos de Maig / Dos de Mayo) close to the Sant Pau and bus routes also nearby.  Taxis and Uber services are plentiful.More information soon.


Register Your Attendance

We are delighted that you would like to register to attend the 2024 EuHPN workshop.

Please complete the information below. The participation fee for the workshop is Euro 350.00 for members of affiliated EuHPN organisations, and Euro 400.00 for other participants. This includes coffee breaks and lunches on the 25 th and 26 th March.

The workshop dinner will be held on Wednesday 25 th September; this has an additional fee of Euro 80.00 for all participants.

Invoices for the workshop fee(s) will be issued once your registration form has been received. If there is a need to limit numbers at the workshop, the workshop dinner or the study tours, we will process registrations in the order they are received and will not invoice until we can guarantee a place.

We offer the options of study tours during Friday 27 th September, which will incur an additional charge of Euro 50.00, (please see the draft programme for current details). We will register and invoice participants separately for the study tours, once the details have been finalized.