Register Your Attendance

We are delighted that you would like to register to attend the 2024 EuHPN workshop.

Please complete the information below. The participation fee for the workshop is Euro 350.00 for members of affiliated EuHPN organisations, and Euro 400.00 for other participants. This includes coffee breaks and lunches on the 25 th and 26 th March.

The workshop dinner will be held on Wednesday 25 th September; this has an additional fee of Euro 80.00 for all participants.

Invoices for the workshop fee(s) will be issued once your registration form has been received. If there is a need to limit numbers at the workshop, the workshop dinner or the study tours, we will process registrations in the order they are received and will not invoice until we can guarantee a place.

We offer the options of study tours during Friday 27 th September, which will incur an additional charge of Euro 50.00, (please see the draft programme for current details). We will register and invoice participants separately for the study tours, once the details have been finalized.