Hospital del Mar
Elisabet Izquierdo- Directora de Serveis Generals i Infraestructures- Hospital del Mar
Raúl García- PINEARQ
Generative AI and Technological Developments Applied to Hospital Design
Francisco Ortega Montoliu, Enero Arquitectura, Spain
How evidence is assessed and used in making decisions for investment in healthcare infrastructure
Dr Geraldine O’Brien, NHS Scotland Assure, UK
Humanising the hospital through refurbishment and incremental change
Albert Bota Arque, Sant Joan de Deu Hospital, Barcelona
Investing in facilities that promote access to holistic care of the person
Laia Isern Meix, Vitaller Arquitectura / Isabel Haro, Hermanas Hospitalarias - Hospital Mare de Déu de la Mercè, Spain
A modern and innovative approach to Strategic Estates Management of Healthcare Infrastructure
Peter Sellars, Chief Executive, Institute of Hospital Engineers and Estates Managers (IHEEM) and Suzanne MacCormick, Clinical Planner & Healthcare Specialist, UK.
How not to procure hospitals which promote sustainability and social value. Case study: Finland
Joseph Mulcahy, Harris-Kjisik Architects, Finland
Hospital Sant Joan de Déu
Xavier Escayola Elias, Responsable de Bioenginyeria, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu
Responding to zero-carbon urgency through digital transformation of the health system
Gunther De Graeve, Managing Director, Destravis, Austrialia
Single patient rooms: evidence, trade-offs, lessons for future hospital design
Liesbeth van Heel, Erasmus MC, Netherlands
Using data and evaluation to bridge the gap between expectations and realities of healthcare infrastructure investment
Øyvind Hope, Sykehusbygg, Norway
Future flexibility and adaptability in buildings, both new and existing
Juan Gallostra Isern, Ingeniero Industrial, Presidente JG Ingenieros, Spain
An introduction to the Kalida Centre: how to design for a compassionate, humane, culturally sensitive model of care.
Joan Reventós Rovira, Director, Kalida Centre, Barcelona.
Being ‘at home’ – a new atmosphere
Clara Rius, Architect and Partner at Ahead Barcelona Healthcare Architect
How innovative procurement can contribute to improvements in healthcare – a P4H project example.
Marcin Kautsch, Procure4Health Project Coordinator, Poland.
What happens to a hospital estate when reuse and reconfiguration options are exhausted?
Ferran Rodriguez- Omebes, Directorate of Infraestructure & Biomedical Engineering- Clinic Hospital, Barcelona.
The role of infrastructure in Primary Health Care (PHC)
Stephen Wright (Honorary Professor, Bartlett Faculty, University College London)
Danish Healthcare: Perspectives on innovation and future technologies in primary care
Ida Hvitved, Chief Advisor, Healthcare Denmark
Architecture and behaviour : designing the new children’s hospital for the Rigs Hospital campus
Stig Vesterager Gothelf, Architect MAA, Senior Partner, 3XN, Denmark
MonIA - project: Diverse and integrated living solutions for persons with memory decline
Professor Laura Arpiainen – Aalto University Finland
Flexible and adaptable clinical spaces: a new paradigm?
Dr Anne Symons, Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction, UCL (UK)
Hybrid Environments, spanning community , primary and hospital care
Unni Dahl, Pål Ingdal and Sturla Ditlefsen, Sykehusbygg
Augmented Healthcare Design of the Future
Jan Buthke
Head of LINK IO, Digital Innovation Lead
Beyond the hospital: environments for dementia care
Johannes Pedersen, Partner/Director, Nord Architects
Clinical workflow and human factors in OT design
Professor Dr. Clemens Bulitta,
Dean of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare at the Technical University of Applied Sciences Amberg-Weiden (Germany)
Towards sustainable and future proof Healthcare buildings in the Netherlands
Adam Bufacchi and Menno Hinkema
TNO, Netherlands
Policy into practice – how Scotland and Ireland are making Net Zero targets achievable and affordable for healthcare buildings
Susan Grant,
Principal Architect, NHSS Assure- Health Facilities Scotland
Centralising Expertise in Hospitals and Care Closer to Home
Dr Louella Vaughan MBBS DPhil FRACP FRCP
Senior Clinical Research Fellow, The Nuffield Trust
Consultant Physician, Royal London Hospital